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Frequently asked questions

What is Zillow Data Exporter?
Zillow Data Exporter is a tool for exporting property listings from Zillow. It's a Chrome extension that runs in your browser. You can use it to export listings from Zillow to a CSV file or an Excel spreadsheet.
Can I change my plan later?
Yes. You can upgrade or downgrade your plan at any time. If you upgrade, you'll be charged a prorated amount for the remainder of the month. If you downgrade, you'll be credited on next month's bill.
Can I export all property images' URLs?
Yes. You can export all the property images' URLs for properties for rent, for sale and sold properties. Unfortunately, you can only export the first image's URL for saved properties.
Is there a free trial?
No. When you create an account, you will be automatically subscribed to the Free plan. You can then upgrade to the Hobby or Starter plan.
We recommend you start getting familiar with the extension and the Cloud Importer. Once you are ready or need to start exporting more data, you can easily upgrade your plan.
Please note that a credit card is required to subscribe to the Hobby or Starter plan.
Can I get a refund?
All payments (including renewal payments) are refundable within 7 days of purchase, and you can refund yourself in the dashboard. No support email. No questions asked.
Please note that extra credit packs purchases are non-refundable.
How do I refund myself?
If you are certain you want to cancel your subscription, you can press the "Cancel subscription" button in the billing section of the application. You'll then be able to click the "Refund last payment" button if you are within the 7 day refund period. No support email. No questions asked.
Can I cancel my subscription anytime?
Yes! You can cancel/upgrade/downgrade your subscription anytime, self-served with a click of a button. No questions asked, no email needed.
How are payments processed?
The payments for your subscription and for the extra credit packs are handled by Paddle. Paddle is a third party payment processor that handles all the payment processing for Zillow Data Exporter.
Paddle is a PCI Level 1 certified service provider, which means that they are audited annually by a PCI Qualified Security Assessor (QSA) and that they maintain a high level of compliance with credit card processing regulations.
Will you have access to my credit card information?
No. Paddle is a third party payment processor that handles all the payment processing for Zillow Data Exporter. I do not have access to your credit card information.
What is a credit?
Credits are used to export data from Zillow via the Cloud Importer or Cloud Monitoring features.
What is an Advanced export?
An "Advanced" export is a feature of the Cloud Importer. It allows you to export more data fields than the "Basic" export. The "Advanced" export costs 1 credit per listing.
Can I see a breakdown of the exported fields?
Sure, you can see a list of the exported fields for the following types of properties:
What is a Basic export?
A "Basic" export is a feature of the Cloud Importer. It allows you to export less data fields than the "Advanced" export. The "basic" export costs 1 credit per page(approximately 40 listings per page).
What if some data is missing from the export?
If some data is missing from the export, it is because Zillow did not provide that data. Unfortunately, we cannot control what data Zillow provides. We do our best to gather as much data as possible but we cannot guarantee that all the fields will be populated.
What is the difference between the Cloud Importer and the Chrome extension?
The Chrome extension runs in your browser. In order to export data with the extension, you need to do the exports manually by navigating to the Zillow search results page and clicking the extension icon.
On the other hand, the cloud importer does all the work for you. It imports the data automatically and saves it to your Google Sheets account and/or notifies you via email when the import is complete thus saving you time and effort.
What is the Cloud Importer?
The Cloud Importer is a tool that automatically imports property listings from Zillow. It's a cloud-based tool that runs on our servers.
You can use it to import listings from Zillow to a CSV file or an Excel spreadsheet. You can also use it to import listings to your Google Sheets account.
Are extra credit purchases refundable?
No. Credit purchases are non-refundable. If you're not sure how many credits you need, you can start with the smallest credit pack and buy more later if you need more.
Do credit purchases expire?
No. Credit purchases do not expire. You can use them whenever you want, however, you'll need an active subscription to the Starter plan or Business plan to use them.
Do credit purchases incur a monthly fee?
No. Credit purchases do not incur a monthly fee. You only pay for the credits you buy and then use them whenever you want.
Why are extra credit purchases non-refundable?
Each listing extraction costs us money. We have to pay for the server costs, the data costs, and the labor costs. We're happy to refund your subscription payment, but we cannot refund the credit purchases.
is Zillow Data Exporter affiliated with Zillow?
No. Zillow Data Exporter is not affiliated with Zillow. Zillow is a registered trademark of Zillow, Inc.
is Zillow Data Exporter a data broker/provider?
No. Zillow Data Exporter is not a data broker/provider. Zillow Data Exporter is a tool that allows you to export the data from Zillow.Zillow Data Exporter does not sell you the data, it sells you the tool to export it.
What can I do with the data I export from Zillow?
That is entirely up to you to decide and depends on your use case.Zillow Data Exporter is not responsible for any use or misuse of the data you export from Zillow. If you have any doubts, please consult with a lawyer.
Can Zillow block me for using Zillow Data Exporter?
It is possible that Zillow may block you if you use Zillow Data Exporter too often (for example, if you use it to export thousands of listings per hour). If you end up getting blocked by Zillow, you should back-off and wait a few hours before trying again. Zillow Data Exporter is not responsible for any blocks that Zillow may impose on you.
I have another question.
We're happy to help! Email us atsupport@zillowdataexporter.com.

Export property listings from Zillow to CSV or Excel in one click.

Thousands of investors, businesses and real estate agents use Zillow Data Exporter to export property listings from Zillow to CSV or Excel in one click. Try it for free today.